our newest communications tool

designed for the busy professional

Get the VIP Communications Pass

One Pass | Lifetime Access | Extra Access

What's the VIP Communications Pass?

It's the only pass that'll get you exclusive communication content, access to special masterclass events, and show notes from our popular Soulcast Media | LIVE events!

We host our popular Soulcast Media | LIVE events where Jessica Chen and her guests share key communications tips. Instead of watching the whole 60 minutes, we write down and send you what you need to know.

That means if you ever miss an event, see a masterclass event you want to attend that require sign up, don't worry! As a VIP Communication Pass holder, you get guaranteed access to it all.

What kind of learning content is inside the Pass?

This pass gets you access to our best value-driven articles and Soulcast Media | LIVE event show notes. Included in both are:

➩ Video Explanations
➩ Step-by-Step Communications Tips
➩ Tactical and Real-Life Tips
➩ Downloadable Infographics
➩Exclusive E-Course Discounts (think 50% - 75% OFF)

You will also get guarenteed access to any of our exclusive communication masterclass events.

Will this pass get me the tips from the 
Soulcast Media | LIVE events?

Yes! Our popular Soulcast Media | LIVE events draw hundreds of attendees because they're packed with real-world communication tips. 

You may have attended one or several of these, so you know Jessica Chen and her guests share a lot of golden nuggets. As a VIP Communications Pass holder, you will receive our key takeaways organized for you and delivered straight to your inbox. 

You don't need to watch the whole event to find these tips!

- Leadership Communications Skills - 
Chairman of Citi Private Bank,
Lung Nien Lee

- Confident Communications -
LinkedIn's Top Voice [1 million followers]
Sarah Johnston

- Tips for Engaging Video Meetings -
Prezi CEO
Jim Szafranski

Can you tell me more about these big-value driven articles? 

Our new value-driven articles are published once a month, plus special editions. Topics will be some of our most popular, including: 

public speaking
communications confidence
 leading teams
 virtual presentations
show notes from our Soulcast Media | LIVE events
...and so much more!

What's the investment?

$37.99 USD, which is a one time payment, that's it! 

This gives you lifetime access to ALL our Soulcast Media | LIVE event show notes, skip-the-line masterclass events, and our best articles. 

Just think...it's the cost of 6 cups of coffee, and you're learning one of the most important skills to grow your communications and confidence!

Hear from our 
Founder & CEO
Emmy-Award Winner
- Jessica Chen -

One Pass | Lifetime Access | Extra Access

Soulcast Media
Soulcast Media is a premier business communication training agency.  We have taught over 2 million professionals how to become better speakers at work. Our goal is to elevate individual and business performances by teaching the skill of effective communications. 

Training topics includes: presentation training, team collaboration, sales communication, developing executive presence, and more.

We offer virtual/in-person team training, 1:1 coaching, and online e-course programs.

- please contact hello@soulcastmedia.com for group trainings -

...and is ranked #1 by LinkedIn!

One Pass | Lifetime Access 

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