Unlock the best communication tips to speak with confidence


🎉 Enrollment Closing - LAST CHANCE!

In all situations, in all environments, in front of all people

Imagine if you could walk into a meeting and you did not feel an ounce of crippling nerves. 

You knew exactly what to say, how to say it and people listened.

This is not a dream destined for someone else. This can be you. 

But right now, this probably feels impossible.

You might feel people don't hear you and perhaps even talk over you.

When you do speak, your communications is punctured with filler words and choppy thoughts.

You feel frustrated. 

Your expertise and your efforts don't shine through.

Let me tell you, working hard and feeling utterly invisible is the quickest way to be burned out. 

I KNOW EXACTLY HOW THIS FEELS and my friend, I've got you covered...


Because the truth is, English can be your 1st or 2nd language and you can still be powerfully effective and eloquent.

How do I know? Because English wasn't my first language either. 

What really mattered was this: knowing there is the working us and the communicating us

The working us is what we were taught in school, which is to be diligent, disciplined and hard working.

But the communicating us is our ability to talk about our work and showcase our wins so we're top of mind when opportunities arise. 

Without it, our effort, our visibility, and our impact gets cut in half.

Speaking well matters because once you've mastered it, you'll no longer feel stuck chiming in during meetings.

You'll also no longer shy away from giving powerful presentations.

You will be able to confidently advocate for yourself and your ideas, always.



I will be guiding and teaching you.

As an introvert who grew up with a more humble personality, I know how frustrating it is to work hard yet feel overshadowed at work. 

I also know the feeling of giving a presentation and knowing it could have been delivered much better. 

Over 10 years ago, I made the decision to double-down on improving my strategic speaking skills. 

Today, I have been blown away by how it has truly transformed my career and presence.

Warren Buffet said it best. Great communications and public speaking skills can increase your value by 50%.

This program gives you all the tools and resources you'll need to better communicate and articulate your thoughts at work. 

I am proud to say as a Top Presentation Skills Voice on LinkedIn, I have now taught over 2 million people how to improve their speaking skills. 

speaking well is both AN art and strategy combined. 
YOU WILL LEARN both approaches HERE.

Members Love Our Program

"I joined Present by Soulcast Media to improve my public speaking skills. Jessica helped with my delivery and my confidence in my public speaking. Her monthly meetings, online tools and being able to email her with questions have been instrumental in my improvement."

-Richard R.
I created Present by Soulcast Media because I wanted to help ambitious professionals learn the most valuable communication tactics and strategies for work. 

Each month, I present a brand new topic that’s easy to access on your computer, phone or tablet. You can join our group coaching calls live or rewatch it on your own schedule. 

Our AI search function also makes it easy to access exactly what you want to learn.

Here's Present by Soulcast Media at a glance:
New Monthly Learning Content
Each month is a brand new topic! From presentation skills, negotiation, persusive speaking, you'll always have new content to level-up your professional communication skills. This content is delivered in video form located inside our platform.
Private Group Workshops
Every other month, I'll be meeting you live for a group workshop session on Zoom! I'll be teaching you new frameworks and answering all your communication questions. Think of it as a live communication skills workshop reserved only for Present members.
Private Community Group
Best part of joining Present is you have direct access to Jessica! You will also be among other ambitious professionals who are also leveling-up their professional communication skills too. Inside, you'll have exclusive access to get your questions answered!
All-Access Pass to our Library 
Once you're a Present member, you will unlock ALL (40+ hours) of our communication content inside the platform. We also have curated learning paths so you can level-up a specific skillset by watching our curated playlist of videos.
AI Search Function
We know while communications is an important skill to learn, sometimes we need a specific tip or advice. You can use our AI search function inside our portal by simply typing in what you need and we'll direct you to the exact framework!
Bi-Monthly Emails From Me
Consistency is key to becoming a more powerful communicator. We will help you stay on track with your professional development with bi-weekly emails. Surprise personal video emails may also be included!

When you have a regular practice, your communication skills will start to improve.

 Just read the testimonials on this page!

Present by Soulcast Media is the world's most robust tool that makes elevating professional communication skills fun and easy. 

 You will learn all aspects of confident speaking, including public speaking, navigating difficult conversations, pitching an idea, and so much more! 

This program provides a flexible structure while giving guidance

You’ll never be on your own. 

The moment you join, you will be part of a professional community who also has direct access to me and I will guide you and help you stay on track.

Our members-only communication content is housed inside our private platform. Once you enroll, you will have access to our entire library of content organized in easy-to-navigate tabs and search bar function.
Each month's new communication topic will be posted for you to watch at your own convenience. You can watch and re-watch the individual topics at your own leisure. A new topic is released every month.
Members are invited to a live group workshop call with me every other month on Zoom. This is your chance to ask any communications questions. Can't attend? Recordings are always posted in the platform.
You will have 100% access to easy-to-follow videos, summaries and Q&A forums to guide you on your communications growth. Plus, you will have access to the content 24/7 as long as your membership remains active. 

You can log in whenever it is most convienent for you from anywhere around the world. 
Insight From Our Members

"The investment in Present by Soulcast Media paid for itself after the first month! My professional communication skills have improved and I’m eager to improve more with Jessica’s simple advice."

- Philip W.
Hear directly from those who have worked with her
Philip W.
"The investment in Jessica Chen’s Present by Soulcast Media paid for itself after the first month! My professional communication skills have improved and I’m eager to improve more with Jessica’s simple advice."
Richard R.
"I joined Present to improve my public speaking skills. Jessica helped with my delivery and my confidence in my public speaking. Her monthly meetings, online tools and being able to email her with questions have been instrumental in my improvement."
Robin T.
"Jessica is a true expert in her craft. Our exercises brought to light mental barriers that were at play in my method of communication, and have since taught me how to navigate my relationship with those barriers. We shifted my views on how to best leverage the assets in which I communicate, to convey my messages articulately." 
Dino H.
"Jessica helped me improve my overall communication skills as an effective leader. I was able to apply the new learnings to my meetings and day-to-day operations of the company. I am more excited that with Jessica's help, I will not only improve my communication skills, but effective communications will lead to the long term success of the business."
William W.
“I am a huge believer that knowledge builds confidence. Jessica helped shaped my mentality in communicating by arming me with techniques and processes that make speaking, especially in front of the camera, a lot easier. With this newfound knowledge, I am now able to speak about my work in tech with a lot more confidence and ease.”
Ricardo D.
"Even though I had experience in presenting, I was able to have some clear takeaways such as creating a story in the presentation and not burying the lead. I was able to apply these two leanings right away during a team meeting and felt that the level of my presentation was stronger because of what I learned from Jessica."
Sergio P.
"As a life-long introvert, I’ve noticed that a lot of what Jessica says is completely relatable. Jessica has obviously walked in the same shoes because she brings up these small dilemmas that only a fellow introvert could know. 

But here is the great part, she offers advice to handle these dilemmas. What makes her Group Coaching sessions so valuable is that they provide an opportunity to pick up so many unique gold nuggets of advice.”
Connie C.
"Present by Soulcast Media has taught me to see that good presentation skills entail connecting with the audience with your body language, tone of voice, & essential content specific to what the audience needs to hear. I used to think that I had to sound like an expert by brain dumping everything I knew but it's not the case. Depending on the audience you tailor the presentation for powerful effect. Plus I don't need to be liked, just effective."
Insight From Our Members

"Present by Soulcast Media has taught me to see that good presentation skills entail connecting with the audience with your body language, tone of voice, & essential content specific to what the audience needs to hear. Depending on the audience you tailor the presentation for powerful effect."

- Connie C.
Q: What is Present by Soulcast Media?

A: Present by Soulcast Media is an online subscription program that makes it easy to stay committed to your communications growth. Each month you get access to new communication topics, live group workshops, inspiring content, community access, plus the ability to search and watch all our existing content. It's the best place dedicated to developing your professional communication skills. Plus, you get access to renowned communications expert, Jessica Chen.
Q: What's the cost to join Present by Soulcast Media?

A: We're offering two special pricing: $79.99/month (USD) for a 6-months subscription or $59.99/month (USD) for a 12-months subscription. You save $239 on the annual plan, including one month free. Upon joining, you may choose from two payment options: full or monthly. 

If you choose full, you will be billed at either the 6 or 12 month increment. 

If you choose monthly, you will be billed monthly. 

Your membership auto-renews unless you contact us ( directly. Prices increase every few months because more content is added, but you lock in your rate guaranteed!

Q: What if I want to cancel my membership?

A: Membership automatically renews. You can cancel your subscription within 7 days of purchase and receive a full refund. Upon cancellation, you will no longer have access to the private membership platform or community group. 

After 7 days, you can cancel your subscription renewal. Canceling the membership prevents your payment method from being automatically charged for renewal when your 6-month or 12-month subscription ends. You’ll continue to access and benefit from the membership through the last day of your 6-month or 12-month plan.
Q: When are the private group workshop calls scheduled?

A: The schedule for the bi-monthly 60-minute session happens 6x a year every other month: Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct, Dec. We post the latest group workshop call information inside the Present platform, which you can add to your calendar. We also send email reminders to all members. If you can't attend, the recordings can be found inside the Present platform.
Q: How are the workshops structured?

A: The workshop calls are led by either Jessica Chen or one of our Soulcast Media communication coaches. The structure typically starts with a review of the month's topic followed by activities so all members can apply and practice them in a constructive setting. Questions will be taken during the workshop and can be submitted via email or in the Present Facebook group prior to the class.
Q: How do I join the Present Facebook group?

A: Upon joining Present by Soulcast Media, you will receive instructions on how to join our private facebook group reserved for just Present members. Be sure to state your email in which you used to enroll into Present. In the group, you'll find more communication content and tips inside. It's the place to engage with other members, find bonus materials and attend monthly FB office hours. This is an active community where everyone is united in one goal: strategic communication skills so regularly check in and engage!
Q: How much of my time will Present by Soulcast Media require each month?

A: That’s up to you! You can login and watch the exclusive videos, read the emails and attend the live group workshop sessions if it works with your schedule. If you’re busy one week or one month, don’t sweat it. You can’t fall behind as a member! However, we encourage you to remember there is a reason why consistency is key and this membership is meant to hold you accountable. When you commit to your practice, you’ll find your communication skills will grow as well.
Q: Who do I contact to change or cancel my membership? 

A: Please reach out to Upon cancellation, access to the platform, email, and facebook group will end.

your dream of bECOMING a powerful communicator doesn't have to be a dream any longer.

Insight From Our Members

"As a life-long introvert, I’ve noticed that a lot of what Jessica says is completely relatable. Jessica has obviously walked in the same shoes because she brings up these small dilemmas that only a fellow introvert could know. 

But here is the great part, she offers advice to handle these dilemmas. What makes her Group Coaching sessions so valuable is that they provide an opportunity to pick up so many unique gold nuggets of advice.”

-Sergio P.